Nickelodeon Hotels & Resorts Punta Cana

Nickelodeon Hotels & Resorts Punta Cana Sweepstakes

The Nickelodeon Hotels & Resorts Punta Cana Sweepstakes, closing on October 29, 2023, offers a fabulous 4-night getaway. To enter, users should visit the Paramount Shop Service’s Sweepstakes application, provide their details, and agree to the Official Rules.

The Grand Prize includes a 4-night stay for two adults and two children at the Nickelodeon Hotels & Resorts Punta Cana. Additionally, winners will receive Two Thousand Dollars for airfare and ground transportation. This prize package will be presented in the form of a check. Enjoy an all-inclusive stay with Gourmet Inclusive dining, premium drinks, Aquanick access, watersports, and more. Hotel stay awarded as a prize certificate. This sweepstakes is brought to you by Paramount Global.

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